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There are no eligibility requirements for Core Services.
Any individual will have access to core employment-related services. Information about job vacancies, career options, student financial aid, relevant employment trends, and instruction on how to conduct a job search, write a resume, or interview with an employer is available to any job seeker, or anyone who wants to advance his or her career.
We have all the tools you need to find the job that is right for you. View current job openings online using our career resource lab. Create your resume and apply instantly online for many jobs! There are always new career opportunities posted, so come in and check them out regularly. Use our state-of-the-art computers and software to develop a winning letter of introduction and resume. Then fax them directly to potential employers right from our office. You may use our local classified job listings from area newspapers if you prefer. Telephones and copiers are available for your career related needs. All of our services are available FREE of charge!
Discover your career aptitude, skills, and needs through a career assessment with one of our experienced Case Managers. They are here to guide you through job search and placement, labor market information, resume writing, and training provider information. They can assist you with financial aid applications, make referrals as needed for adult literacy and skills enhancement, and provide access to our self-directed resource area with fax, computers, and phones.
If you want to go beyond self-exploration for choosing a career, we have two certified Kuder career development counselors on staff. Kuder, Inc. is the leading provider of Internet-based tools and resources that help students and adults achieve their educational and career planning goals.
The Kuder Career Planning System has become the solution of choice for individuals around the world when it comes to identifying their interests, exploring their options, and planning for career success. The easy-to-use and completely customizable Internet-based system combines research-based interests, skills, and work values assessments with portfolio development, comprehensive education and career exploration capabilities along with powerful administrative database management.
Click here to visit the Kuder web site for more information.
Links to Helpful Sites
Arkansas Job Link
Arkansas Business
Career Builder
USA Jobs
Western Workforce Center
Focused solutions for finding
a new job can produce
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Better Job?
(479) 474-7061
1500 East Main, Van Buren, AR 72956
Monday – Thursday • 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.